Supermarket Yellow Cake ...AKA My NEW Go-To!!

Supermarket Yellow Cake ...AKA My NEW Go-To!!

 you know that the search continues for the perfect vanilla Supermarket Yellow Cake ...AKA My NEW Go-To!!If you know anything about baking, you know that the search continues for the perfect vanilla/yellow cake recipe. Everyone has a recipe they will suggest to someone in need, but most of us are always willing to try a new recipe in order to find the perfect vanilla cake! There is some debate about what defines "vanilla cake." Is is white? Is it yellow? Egg yolks or no egg yolks, that is the question! I used to work in a bakery that used cake mix, and people asked us all the time... "What is the difference between white and yellow?" Other than one has egg yolks and one uses just whites, we didn't really know what to tell them.

Well I'm here to offer my answer to the question! I think the terms "white" and "yellow cake" are most recognized as boxed cake mix flavors. (Tell me, Mr. Hines, since when is "white" a flavor? And what exactly does "yellow" taste like?) I think most of us have figured out that white = vanilla. But what does yellow equal? "Ohh I know! Pick me! I know!!" ...Yellow = vanilla butter nut!! I found this imitation flavoring called vanilla butter nut at Kroger . It's pretty much yellow cake mix in a bottle!! It tastes just like yellow cake mix, AND it's yellow! So now you can make homemade yellow cakes that really taste "yellow." Yes, it's artificial, and yes, it contains Yellow 5. But if you like yellow cake mix, I doubt you have a problem with either of those. I used it in this recipe for Supermarket Yellow Cake from A Passion for Baking by Marcy Goldman. It was wonderful! It has the moist, rich texture of a cake baked from scratch. And it has the flavor of yellow cake mix, without all the harsh chemical stabilizers and preservatives of cake mix!
 you know that the search continues for the perfect vanilla Supermarket Yellow Cake ...AKA My NEW Go-To!! Did I mention this it my new go-to for yellow cakes?? It's fantastic!! Both Josh and my dad kept eating hunks of it with no strawberries or whipped cream. They loved it plain! And it was still moist after the third day of sitting on the counter! Love it!!

So there's MY answer to the white cake/yellow cake debate. It's my understanding that people used to use vanilla butter nut all the time back in the day. It was the secret ingredient in many old-fashioned cakes. It's somewhat hard to find now. At Kroger I could only find the store brand. I've never seen it at Wal-mart or at our local grocery store, Farm Fresh. I have seen it at our cake supply store, Wine and Cake Hobbies, but it was in a huge bottle. If you look for it, leave me a comment and tell me where you find it! :D
How about a bite?? you know that the search continues for the perfect vanilla Supermarket Yellow Cake ...AKA My NEW Go-To!!
Supermarket Yellow Cake for Strawberry Shortcake (from A Passion for Baking by Marcy Goldman)
Makes 6 to 8 servings
“Whew--a long recipe name but a shorter-than-shortcake recipe to make. You know those tender, light yellow cake layers they sell in the supermarket to top with berries and whipped cream for shortcake? This recipe makes that sort of cake. It has cake-mix texture but homemade, from-scratch taste.”
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup sugar, finely pulverized*
1 large egg
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract (I used vanilla butter nut flavoring to give it that cake mix flavor and yellow color!)
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup warm milk

Finishing Touches
Confectioners' sugar, for dusting
Whipped cream
Fresh berries, diced or whole

*Pulse sugar in a food processor 1 to 2 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Generously spray a 9-inch round cake pan with nonstick cooking spray and line with a circle of parchment paper. Put pan on a large parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
In a mixer bowl (or use a food processor), cream butter and sugar until &fluffy. Add egg and vanilla and blend well.
Fold in flour, baking powder, and salt. Drizzle in milk, blending well and ensuring that nothing is stuck in bottom of mixer.
Pour into prepared cake pan. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until cake tests done when gently pressed with fingertips (Mine was done at 32 minutes in an 8 1/2-inch pan. Check it with a toothpick to make sure only a few dry crumbs stick.). Let cool 15 minutes. Remove from pan and place cake on a serving plate.
Dust with confectioners' sugar and serve with whipped cream and fresh diced strawberries, or ice cream and any mix of berries.

Baca Juga

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